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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone help me find information about my paternal grandparents?


Can anyone help me find information about my paternal grandparents?

I'm looking up info for my family tree and I'm at a dead end. My mother's side of the family is done, but I can't get farther than my grandparents on my dad's side. He doesn't know much about his parents. His father died when he was young, and his mother signed her rights away when he was only 15/16. His father's name is David Shirlem Jones and he was born 19 Apr 1934 in Stanford KY. I don't know when he died. His mother's name is Shirley Jean Tanksley and she was born 04 Jun 1936 in Salem, IN. I believe she died 09 May 1997. I have looked at every geneology website I can find, including getting a membership to I've looked through death records, birth records, everything. I can't seem to find anything on either of them. Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a shot in the dark, but try calling the particular city/town hall of the birth places and ask what you need to do for them to do a search, then if they do not find one maybe try the specific state department of records. Ask whoever you initially speak with at the city/town hall, they get these kinds of questions at least ten times a day I'll bet! They'd know exactly what direction to send you. I know there are certain time restrictions they have to follow as far as specific requirements for record requests within so many years. So give them a call and see what happens! Good luck!