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Genealogy software and websites?

What is a good website to get onto if I want to track the several generations of my family? Can I track ancestors' brothers and sisters too?

And what is the best software for doing genealogy?

I ask because I got blessed with the task of organizing and preserving thousands of old photographs; and want to make ancestry charts available to as many family members as I can.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Be Quiet,

I use FTM (Family Tree Maker), some friends use Rootsmagic. There are others also. Below are some sites you should check and do the comparison for yourself. Those two cost about $30.00 and are WELL Worth it.

You must have the ability to produce a GEDCOM standard file, most of these do. That is the starndard Genealogy exchange format. So you can take and give portions of family trees with people using different software.

Some of this comes with Free time on Pay sites. You should check out the software and when tired of paying for information, check out the free sites.