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Family last names?

im trying to pinpoint exactly where my ancestors are originaly right now im starting with last names of my great grandparents...i looked up my greatgrandmother and her's is portugese and greatgrandfater is spanish..i always concider myself hispanic (but id love to figure out exactly from where..)so does the origin of ancestors last names..mean thats the origin of our family?i have the light light skin and dark hair and dark eyes..

[i know its pretty obvious question but i would just like to get some insight from someone with background in this field]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have traced some "Hispanic" roots in my lineage and one name was actually given to an Indian by the missionaries of colonial Mexico. You can't always tell just by the name. Trace your lineage, you may be surprised with what you might find. It's an expensive but very rewarding endeavor. You will learn allot of history along the way too.