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I'm attempting to trace my roots...?

i'm trying to figure out if i am part of the hakka bloodline because there is a really big possibly i am. does anyone know how i can trace my roots without using money?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First learn all you can from your parents and grandparents about their parents and grandparents, as far back as you can. You will need dates and places for births, marriages, and deaths. Perhaps next you will want to try locating the families generations before those on censuses.

You will want to enter all information you find on genealogy software to keep it organized, and to know what you know and what you don't yet.

In the long run you will spend money, even "free" means somebody pays. To get started you can look at freebies,,,, Most States subscribe to HeritageQuest Online through your local library, for free access to census images.