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Position:Home>Genealogy> What are some common names for grandmother and grandfather in Ireland?


What are some common names for grandmother and grandfather in Ireland?

I am writing a story and I would like it to be genuine, I am looking for nick names or endearing names or any respectful slang for grandparents.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm Irish, born, bred and live here........middle aged

I called both my Grandmothers 'Granny' - and my children did the same.

One of my Grandfathers was Grampa - the other Grandfather (following what my city cousins called that Grandfather)The only other way I have ever heard a person who lives in Ireland address their Grandfather was as Grandad, if they did not speak Irish

Todays children use some of the names which children from outside Ireland use - thanks to television maybe. Names such as Papa or whatever - although I'm inclined to think that those who call their Grandfather Papa usually come from European extraction - children of my friends who were born in France, they call their Grandfather Papa
