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Edward Osher?

Does anyone have any information on him? One relative checked, finding this: "Both Edward and Irene Osher were born in Russia and both spoke Yiddish as a native language. Both also spoke English as well.

Edward was born in 1904, Irene in 1905, both reportedly immigrated in 1906, neither one had never applied for citizenship.

Edward was a salesman in millinery." My relatives summary.

But another relative believes he emigrated in the 1920s. I don't know which is correct.

The common birth date for Edward I was told is August 12, 1903. I assume difference is probably minor. I don't know when he died.

More importantly, this is the person whom was said to have been named Osherenkoff in Russia. I've asked about that name before.

I am related. Oh, and the Green(e) family mentioned, that's from Greenfarb (Polish), which I've also previously asked about.

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3 months ago
I understand Osherenkoff might not be accurate; it could even be phonetically wrong.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
I understand Osherenkoff might not be accurate; it could even be phonetically wrong.