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Position:Home>Genealogy> Need help Delores Taflinger/Fay Amick b 1910 my father dead, gr'mthr recently s


Need help Delores Taflinger/Fay Amick b 1910 my father dead, gr'mthr recently sent let 2 me not to contac her

I don't know why some trouble my mother and my fathers family had. They sent a letter that they want no contact and that's fine. I just want to know who that side of my family is for genealogy purposes. I know my mothers side, now I want to know my fathers side.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your grandmother isn't the only one who knows the history of that side of the family. There are lots of Taflingers in Indiana, so why not write a form letter asking for help and send it off to a few Taflingers in that area? That might be your best bet.

Here is a list I found for you:

Once you have a little more information (besides the name Delores Taflinger, which isn't on file anywhere as far as we can tell), it should be easier to start finding more and more info.