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What do the last names Cloer and Duclos mean?

I've looked on the net but I'm not savvy enough. Anyone know?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: CLOER

Origin Displayed: Dutch

Spelling variations of this family name include: Claver, Clavver, Claverr, Clavers, Clavere, Chlaver, Clavar, Clevar, Clavier, Cleaver, Claever and many more.

First found in Holland, where the name became noted for its many branches in the region, each house acquiring a status and influence which was envied by the princes of the region.

Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Lucas Clavier, who settled in Canada in 1535; Ryck Claes, who came to New Netherland in 1651; Bartel Nicolaes Claes, who settled in New Netherland in 1651.

Possibly an Americanized spelling of German Kl㶲 or Klor, from a derivative of the medieval personal name Hilarius (see Hillary).


Origin Displayed: French

Spelling variations of this family name include: Clausel, Clauzel, Clauselle, Claus㨬e, Clauz㨬e, Clauzelle, Closel, Clos㨬e, Closelle, Clozel, Cloz㨬e, Clozelle, Claussel, Clauss㨬e, Clausselle, Clossel, Closs㨬e, Closselle, de Clausel, de Clauzel, de Clauselle, de Claus㨬e, de Clauz㨬e, de Clauzelle, de Closel, de Clos㨬e, de Closelle, de Clozel, de Cloz㨬e, de Clozelle, Clausen, Claussen and many more.

First found in Languedoc, where the family were seated since ancient times.

Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Christopher Clausen settled in Philadelphia in 1850; Chaterine Claussen settled in Philadelphia in 1796; F.C. Claussen settled in New York in 1850.

French: topographic name, with fused preposition and definite article du ??from the??, from Old French clos ??enclosure?? (from Late Latin clausum, past participle of claudere ??to close??).