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Position:Home>Genealogy> How closely related in meaning are the surnames Lev and Levy?


How closely related in meaning are the surnames Lev and Levy?

I ask because other than being Jewish and one being a shortened form of the other, Levy shortened to Lev, they don't seem to have a lot in common. Should they even be associated with each other?

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3 months ago
Well, the Lev I am refering to is supposed to mean Lion, or about that. As for the two web sites given, thanks, but they are, in fact, the web sites which have given me the confusion that inspired my question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
Well, the Lev I am refering to is supposed to mean Lion, or about that. As for the two web sites given, thanks, but they are, in fact, the web sites which have given me the confusion that inspired my question.