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Position:Home>Genealogy> Has anybody researched their genealogy and found some strange things about their


Has anybody researched their genealogy and found some strange things about their relatives.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you do your genealogy, there comes a point in your research when you realize that your ancestors weren't that much different than you are. Sure, times were different, but people are people and people are no worse today than they were 100 years ago. We just have a media now that shows us every bad thing in our society. If you ever get a chance, look up an old newspaper arbitrarily and start reading. Human nature is the same now that it was then. I do think, however, that people were more ashamed of things back then and "didn't want to air their dirty laundry"

Back to your original question... yes, my ancestors did some STRANGE things; however, I think I'd rather have my strange set of relatives than someone elses!! You now the old saying "Better the devils you know than the ones you don't!!"