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Position:Home>Genealogy> Need family history on Marie Curie like mother, father, grandfather, etc.?


Need family history on Marie Curie like mother, father, grandfather, etc.?

A few months ago my father came across a website that has information on the famous French physicist, Marie Curie
that told of her mother's maiden name and father's name
and family....Grandfather's name of both parents, etc.

However, he doesn't know where this is now located on the web. He said it was written and researched by a German
writer.....Anyone know where to look, etc. ???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Madame Marie Curie was born Maria Salomee Sk傯dowska in Warsaw in 1867. Her parents were Bronis傡wa Boguska and W傡dys傡w Sk傯dowski, a secondary-school teacher in Warsaw.

I did find a museum devoted to her that was founded to document her life and history. Perhaps an email to them would give you greater detail:

I did find a Gene@star genealogy for her daughter Irene. It's got errors in the "country" field, but you could work from there.

There's also an Ahnentafel at this link: