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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is anyone out there who has the surname "heneghan"?


Is anyone out there who has the surname "heneghan"?

or how do i find out about my ancesters that works...!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You first find out all you can from your parents and grandparents about who their parents and grandparents were, when and where known ancestors were born, married, died and were buried. Enter all the details into a family tree program. Now you've begun.

I think you'll likely find the surname's a spelling variation, and came from Ireland.

If it turns out that the surname's neither quite Irish nor Scot, one surprise to many may be that back in northern Ireland's history during the Reformation, protestant religious refugee families came there for the short time that the political climate was favorable, not only to northern Nederlands. Most, I think, likely continued on to the new world, but I don't know. Anyway a name like that could have been derived earlier from Henneken or Heineken or the like.