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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone have Throckmorton's in their family? Where do they come from what do


Does anyone have Throckmorton's in their family? Where do they come from what does name mean?

I found them on my mothers side of the family. Wasn't their name soon changed to Morton?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not related to this family at all, but there is a bit of information available. Here is a great site:

A definition of the name:
English: habitational name from Throckmorton in Worcestershire, possibly named from Old English 㾲oc ??beam bridge?? + mere ??pool?? + tun ??enclosure??, ??settlement??.

Here is the Throckmorton board at

Also, someone has previously posted on Yahoo Answers asking about this family, just look up Throckmorton in the search area and you will come across the question.

Good luck.