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Position:Home>Genealogy> Adoption Resources? Has Any One Have Results/Resources for finding lost family?


Adoption Resources? Has Any One Have Results/Resources for finding lost family? And what do you all need.?

I would have to think with the unlimited network here that a person wouldnt have to look too far to find an Adoptee.
My unwed Aunt in 1968 gave her son to her sister(my mother) who tried to no avail,who eventually ended up for adoption in Wisconsin.
my mom is 72 & to this day she thinks about this lil boy who she kept for 11 mos.
I would give anything to reunite them ..but sadly the birth mother has never tried.
I realize I need the birth mom to open this up but my Q is .. Is there possibly ANY other way to find him?
Any web sites,guides that are a good path to pursue?
All i know is he was born 6/67-in Wi-very stocky-named Robert at birth-BL hair,BL eyes. his B/Mom 1st name Theresa,Last name Stanchik. Was adopted thru S.S .(father Texan?)
So... where do i go from here?
Anything helps , its been many Yrs of looking.
I know its a long shot but i would love to put my moms mind at ease, she thinks about him everyday!
Thanxs 4 hearing me out .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Best of luck to you in your search.

Wisconsin, like many states, is tricky, so you're going to need support to guide you.

First off, if you haven't done so already, you should register at ISSR in the chance your cousin is searching for members of his birthfamily. You can find the ISRR website FAQs at

Registering at ISSR is a must.

Also, you can register here as it is a pretty popular site.

You'll want to check Wisconsin state law, but we'll touch on that later.

Realize though that these registries are not well publicized, so many people don't know about them. Prepare yourself that you may register with every site there is and still not come up with a match. Don't think that's because you cousin doesn't want to be found! It may well be because he doesn't know about the registries.

Because of this, be sure you have a good support base to help you with the ups and downs of your search. There are a number of good online support groups, but you're going to want to find one specialized for Wisconsin, as each state has different challenges. A support group can help you with that. One that looks promising is here:

They have a Wisconsin only registry and support message board that appears to be very active. I'd join there BEFORE taking on the next step.

The last bit of advice I'd have is check the official Wisconsin site at:

As a cousin, unfortunately you have no legal rights to search at present, but to get an overview of Wisconsin laws it's a good place to go.

Your search will be tricky but not impossible, especially with a good support group. I wish you the best of luck.

Good luck!