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Position:Home>Genealogy> My great grandfather was a choctaw freedmen.he also has a roll no#. how much ch


My great grandfather was a choctaw freedmen.he also has a roll no#. how much choctaw blood is in me.?

in fact both great grand parents are on the final dawes roll under choctaw freedmen.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's possible you have no Choctaw in you at all. The freedmen were the slaves who were owned by members of the tribe. When the American Civil War ended the tribes were forced to free their slaves and give them membership in the tribe. But many didn't have a drop of Choctaw in them. One of the major controversies right now is that the tribes who were forced to enroll the freedmen as members have been revisiting the situation and are trying to revoke membership of descendents of the freedmen. The Cherokee, in particular, have put it to a vote and it's likely to wind its way through federal courts for several years.