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Position:Home>Genealogy> Family tree for Anna marie Catney d.o.b 11.05.1976?


Family tree for Anna marie Catney d.o.b 11.05.1976?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: AS someone mentions... most reputable genealogy sites (and researchers) posting any information about someone who is alive. Among other reasons, id theft is a major problem. I sometimes post personal stuff about me, but it is me making that choice.
Second.. new researchers sometimes have the genealogy urban legend that "your family tree" is on the internet, just waiting. There IS a world of information out there. Anna has 8 gr grandparents, 16 gr gr grandparents. OF those.. you (or Anna) probably can find census records for all 16 of them. She might find a book with a biography of one of them. The cemetery survey where 2 of them are buried. An immigration record (maybe even picture of the ship) for another. A distant cousin still living in the old family farm for another. A researcher who is not related, but will explain HOW she can get records from Germany without having to go there. Etc, etc. SOME information will not be online, but there are ways (letters, phone calls) that you can get that.
But the FIRST step is to collect (at home) the identities and facts about her parents, grandparents, and how they tie together... before moving to the next level out there. Then we can explain what the usgenweb is (network of volunteer county web sites) or other resources.
Maybe Anna doesn't really want to go to the effort, but that is how it works. It is a fascinating hobby.