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What is schonwald?

Part of address of great-grandfather, who lived at Schonwald No. 29 (Bezirke - means a district of) Schildberg, (Kreis) Olmutz (Kronland - crownland of Austria) Morhren (Monrovia today, Czech Republic) Then was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire (1850-1860's)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're asking for a definition of the word Schonwald, it means "beautiful wood" or "beautiful forest". It's also translated as "The Black Forest".

Schonwald appears to have been a village that's now known as Lesna. See
<The village used to be called Schonwald, today it's called Lesna. The magazine writes that Lesna has only some 480 inhabitants and that before the war, German was the main language. Today, Rumanian, Hungarian and Czech are the main languages which can be heard on the town square.>