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Position:Home>Genealogy> I really want to know my families history? any Lightsey's out there out???


I really want to know my families history? any Lightsey's out there out???

i really need to find my families history i know nothing about it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I like to run quick checks in's family files, and using your screen name, I filtered for any Lightsey who died in Alabama. There are close to 300 entries.
Normally, a reputable genealogy site does NOT post info about a living person. So, the trick is doing your basic search (assuming your father), learn who his parents were, grandparents, etc. You can find several "how to" links using
Once you have worked back into generations that are not alive, you may find that someone already has done work. Your gr grandfather might be in one of these files.
One trick to remember is that your family history is not just one name... you descend from many individuals (women use a maiden name when doing research).