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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I found out where my uncles grave is in AUSTRALIA, i have asked at my lib


How do I found out where my uncles grave is in AUSTRALIA, i have asked at my library and they dont know.?

I know he is buried in western Australia, but not the name of the cemetery, please help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I work for a cemetery section of a County Council. We get enquiries from all over the world from people trying to trace where relatives are buried.
If you know where your uncle lived, go online and see if the town or city has a web site and e mail the local council. We get enquiries from as far away as New zealand this way.
We require the following details. A full name, app. date of death, app age when the person died, spouse's name, as a lair certificate can sometimes be in the spouse's maiden name.
The council that I work for has 54 cemeteries that contain over a 100000 lairs, so as much information as possible is required. Good luck.