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Position:Home>Genealogy> Researching family tree, lloking for cousins Pam or Valerie Bristow?


Researching family tree, lloking for cousins Pam or Valerie Bristow?

Cousins probably in their 70s. Father was Alfred Bristow , married Edie Comber (1935) Lived in Essex, possibly Hainault. Any relative to the H&H. Bristow removal firm from Hackney, would appreciate any information.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are several possible matches on Genes Reunited, but you wouldn't know for sure until you contacted the people who submitted the names. You do need to be a paid member to do this, but I would be happy to contact them on your behalf if you like; please let me know if you wish me to do so.

God Bless.