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Position:Home>Genealogy> Why do people from the country of Turkey look Persian though they claim they des


Why do people from the country of Turkey look Persian though they claim they descended from Mongolians?

The ethnicity of people living in the Middle East is so fascinating to me because there are numerous ethnic groups. I myself am Persian. I was born in America but my parents are from Iran. I have good a Turkish friend that claims that starting from a young age children in schools in Turkey are taught that their ancestors were Mongolian horseman, and that the Turkish language they speak is in the same language family as Korean and Mongolian. About 9 out 10 people that I have met from Turkey look Persian or even caucasian (my friend has blue eyes and light blonde hair). In other words, most people I met don't look like they have even a hint of Asian blood. Did their ancestors intermingle with Persians and other ethnic groups to the point that their descendants today no longer look asian? has the Mongolian blood been dilluted? please feel free to give some detailed explanations because I am really curious and would like to know.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow!!!! What a great question!!!! Okay, I'll calm down, sorry. There have been a lot of invasions, marriages and births in Turkey. I'm going to use the words 'rode through' as a replacement for 'invasion' so I'll be politically correct, LOL. Mongolians rode through c.13th century A.D. Prior to this, c.4th century A.D., the Huns rode through. There were also the Uralic tribes, c.8th century A.D. who rode through. The Ottoman Empire, Turkey's older name, also rode through parts of Eastern Europe, c.16th century A.D.Turkish is in the Altaic Language Family. Sometimes it is listed as being from the Altaic-Uralic Family, or Uralic-Altaic Group of languages. The Kingdom of Hungary was one of the nations under Ottoman law until c.17th century. Thanks for asking your question.