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Position:Home>Genealogy> Howth, Dublin... does anybody know what Howth Lodge was in the mid 1800's please


Howth, Dublin... does anybody know what Howth Lodge was in the mid 1800's please?

My ancestor, Charles Kohler, was a Merchant Tailor in Howth, Dublin. He was registered as having interests both in Sackville Street (where he ran the Regimental Tailors) and at Howth Lodge. He also had a business in London's expensive Clifford Street, all of which were on register aroundabout the 1850's.

Does anyone know what Howth Lodge was at the time and/or have any details on it please? I don't know if it was a residential or business address and would love to find out anything I can on the property. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You seem to know more about it than anything on the web.

General history would suggest it was residential at that time, it's unlikely to have been made into a business during that period.

Have you tried contacting the hotel to see if someone there knows?