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Do u now your family tree?

Do u now your family tree do u now anything about your great great great great granma and grandad. How do i find out what my great great great great granma and grandad was like and when they was born. Uk nottingham

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First you need to get as much information as you can from your family about your grandparents.

If you know the names and dates of birth of your grandparents then you should be able to trace back a couple more generations fairly easily using

You need to subscribe to this site. Even though I'm a subscriber I can't honestly remember how much it costs, but I think it's about ⣵0 a year.

Sometimes you can't get all the info you need from and have to buy birth or marriage certificates from at ⣷ a time.

So it's not necessarily a cheap hobby.

There are free sites around, but I can honestly say I have never found a single useful piece of info on any of them - but maybe I'm just unlucky.

To get you started, if you email me with some info about a couple of your grandparents I'll have a look and see what I can find for you.