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Position:Home>Genealogy> Birth record, Lorella Theonia Schmuck, Sioux City, IA, April 23, 1917?


Birth record, Lorella Theonia Schmuck, Sioux City, IA, April 23, 1917?

I am looking for information on my mother. I would also like any records on Omaha, Nebraska in 1934 regarding the high school graduating class. My mother was valadictorian or saludatorian

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Kay,

Since I got in late on this question, you got some good advice above. Here is the County office, where you will be able to get the certificate of Birth, cheaper than at the State records, (see the website below).
I would call the County Recorder, and ask exactly how much it will cost, so you know.

County Recorder-Vital Records
620 Douglas St Ste 106
Sioux City, IA 51101View Map

You can get Yearbooks online for 1934, see the websites below, and you may be able to write to the HS in Omaha for some school records for your Mother.