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Position:Home>Genealogy> My great grandmother was born in the Canary Islands in the 1800's, how can I get


My great grandmother was born in the Canary Islands in the 1800's, how can I get information about her?

My great grandmother was born in the Canary Islands, Spain, and then immigrated to Cuba. All her documentations have been lost through out the years. I want to become a resident of Spain , but need some proof that she was born there and that I am related to her. Can anyone guide me as to how and what I have to do to find something that would be able to date back to the 1800's? All we know is that she was born in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. She is dead, and I live in FL, USA, therefore I cant go to the Canary Islands unless I have to.. What can I do from here?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The records you need won't be on Cyndi's list and won't be on Spain doesn't allow publication of the records you need.

The only way you'll be able to find what you need is to contact the parish(es) in/near Tenerife for copies of her baptismal records. That will serve as proof of her birth in the Canary Islands. If you need help getting the request for information, contact an Hispanic parish in Florida and ask the secretary to help you compose the letter. You will need her name and date of birth as Catholic records are generally not indexed.

Hope it helps...