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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the genealogy of the name "Shannon"?


What is the genealogy of the name "Shannon"?

That is the last name.Is it Irish? Fench? German? What? Or a mix? Any websites I can go to to find out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: According to


1. reduced form of Shanahan.
2. Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic 㓠Sean㡩n ??descendant of Sean㡮??, a personal name based on a pet form of se㡮 ??old??.
3. in County Clare, a reduced Anglicized form of Mac Giolla St Sean㡩n ??son of the servant of St. Sean㡮??. In the Irish midlands Leonard and Nugent have been adopted as equivalents of this name. "

In the UK, it is found primarily in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Durham. In the U.S., it is found in many states, the most numerous being NY, PA, OH, and IL.