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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does being 1/4 of a certain heritage justify calling yourself that nationality?


Does being 1/4 of a certain heritage justify calling yourself that nationality?

if something asks your heritage should you just say youre a mutt? or that you are whatever the 1/4 you are? lol that sounds a little weird.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I call myself spanish even though I'm only a fourth spanish. it probably wouldnt' hold up anywhere, but I like to side with it because I've always wanted to be spanish and the rest of my genes are spread out over multiple ethnic groups, so spanish is the dominating ethnicity.

I also don't believe in calling myself white or caucasion because that's not an ethnic group, that's a color. and if everyone else gets to claim an ethnic group, I want one too.

ultimately, I have no belief in this system of marking people, so I don't care what I technically classify as. I call myself what I want and if people have a problem with it, they can take me to court. I think it'd be really interesting to see:
"you're not the ethnicity you claimed to be! damn you to hell! and a few years in prison too!"