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Position:Home>Genealogy> My Grandma died, & she's from Kaufbeuren. She has 2 sisters there, Ernie &am


My Grandma died, & she's from Kaufbeuren. She has 2 sisters there, Ernie & Helga. I need to find them. Help!

My Grandma's name is Connie, and her sister's names are Ernie and Helga. Ernie is married to Fredl, but I don't know there last names. I live in Arizona in the US, and don't have any way to contact them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: without their last names you have a problem. Is there another relative that might know last names and where they might live? Once you find that out we might be able to help more. But at this point I don't think anyone can help you until you get last names to work with.