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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can you get a free social security search? I am trying to find my brother wh


How can you get a free social security search? I am trying to find my brother who was given up at birth.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey txsgem,

Social Security, hmm. Do you have his number?

If he was given up, that would mean for adoption? Try the adoption registries. Is your location an open or closed adoption ? If you do not know, search in YAHOO for "Adoption LAW <location>", where you substitute your state, province, or other location for the word <location>. This will bring up lots of sites, usually one of them will tell you about your location. If it is an open adoption, then you can apply for the records. If not, then the registry is your best way, but the problem is he has to want to know about his family too. If you had a medical condition, you could make an appeal to the courts.

If you had any more information, the search would be easier.