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Genealogy Sites, are they a ripoff.?

I'm finding that most geno sites don't have any info I am serching for. They want to charge me money to get my info so they can charge someone else for it. Where can I put my family tree on the net so people can get it for free if they want.

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3 months ago
I've been searching for 8 years part time. I know it is allot of work and I would have to charge someone money to cover my expences if it was a busisness. I just don't like being charged, so they can charge you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
I've been searching for 8 years part time. I know it is allot of work and I would have to charge someone money to cover my expences if it was a busisness. I just don't like being charged, so they can charge you.