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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is it possible I'm related to all of these people?


Is it possible I'm related to all of these people?

I have read that I'm definitely:

-A 35th great-grandson of Charlemagne
-A 23th great-grandson of King Edward III of England
-A 24th great-grandson of Robert the Bruce

I am not sure about how I'm connected with these people, but I've read this also:

-A descendant of King David, Judah, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Muhammed, Julius Caesar, Nero, and possibly Jesus if he did have children (which I'm highly doubtful about for obvious reasons)_

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 75% - 85% of the people in the world with English, French, Swiss, BeNeLux, German, Austrian or N. Italian heritage are supposed to be able to trace back to Charlemagne, usually through some king or other who coupled with every fair maid who would hold still for 10 minutes. My line comes down from Henry II of England through the Buckleys of Massachusetts.

Proving it is the hard part. People lie for lots of reasons, especially ladies who turn up preggers without benefit of husbands, or kings who want to "prove" their noble blood.

The best comment on reliability of old genealogy I ever was was a motto on a RWWC data base: "All relatives prior to 1700 for amusement only".