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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where do i start to look for my estranged family?


Where do i start to look for my estranged family?

my father and his siblings were brought up in a childrens home in holywood co down (n ireland) he was 10 at the time they were illegitimate and i have no more information as he wont talk about it!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you want to do exactly? Do you want to trace these lost aunts and uncles and their possible children?
Without knowing their names or dates of birth this is going to be impossible.
You can obtain a copy of your father's birth certificate, but that will only tell you who his parents were, which isn't going to help you.
The only person with this info is your father and I think you are going to have to get him in the right frame of mind before he is able to discuss it.