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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for a woman named Debra from Roseburg OR?


Looking for a woman named Debra from Roseburg OR?

My father, Edward John, passed away in April of 1988 in a car accident in Roseburg, OR and was dating or engaged to a woman named Debra (last name unkown.) I'm trying to locate this woman to see if she could give me any insight on my father of what she knew of him. If anyone perhaps knew my father or this woman. Please leave a contact I would more than greatly appreciate it. Lot's of unanswered personal questions that need resolving.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi Sunshine,

I doubt anyone on this forum could help find Debra without a last name; however I do have a suggestion. Since your father was in a fatality car accident, I would try to contact the library in Roseburg and see if there was a write-up of the accident and an obituary. From your question, it sounds as if you don't know your father very well. Sometimes in obituaries it mentions fiances under the survivors. Also, you might try ordering his death certificate. She might have been an informant on the death certificate if he didn't have any other family in the area.