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Who is the most direct Civil War descendent?

It occured to me that it's technically possible for someone who fought in the Civil War as a 16 year-old in 1865 could have fathered a child when he 61 in 1910; which would make his child 97 today. I doubt that there happens to be situation out there like that; but it it's somewhat interesting to think about the possibility of someone who could still be living that had that direct of connection to the Civil War. Does anyone know who the most direct descendent(s) of the Civil War happen to be? I imagine there are a lot of people whose grandparents were around during that time, but I doubt there's anyone still around who had a parent...but, it's possible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's sure not in my family. I have NO ancestors from the US in the 1860s who fought in the Civil War. There was an uncle, but he's not exactly my ancestor. In fact, until WWII, I didn't have any ancestors in the US Military...and that one was my own dad. Guess we got lucky that everyone was about 5 years too young or 10 years too old to be drafted or conscripted.