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How can I find past public records for free?

I am trying to find out who lived at a certian house in 1932, but don't know where to start. I need this for my family tree because the obituary of my grandfather did not have his parents names. Any other help would be appreciated..

Additional Details

2 months ago
My grandmother would like to know more about her parents and grandparents. I recieved an obituary of ger dad through the local library, the only problem is that it does not have the name of his parents, only his wife, and no one in my family knows anything. I would really like to go back another generation, but Im stuck at this point.

2 months ago
On the obiturary it has where the man lived and that he died at his mothers house at 153 Punta St. in Ohio. I can only find out who lives at the house now, but that doesnt help me any.

2 months ago
His name was Ira Mitchell, born 5/28/1978 in Ohio and married to Viola. From the obituary it says he had 2 brothers and a sister

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
My grandmother would like to know more about her parents and grandparents. I recieved an obituary of ger dad through the local library, the only problem is that it does not have the name of his parents, only his wife, and no one in my family knows anything. I would really like to go back another generation, but Im stuck at this point.