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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is your father named Anthony Eugene Edwards.?


Is your father named Anthony Eugene Edwards.?

Does anybody have an African American father named anthony eugene edwards about the age of 37 or 38 this year of 2007. If so please let me know. And please don't answer if your comment is going to be stupid this is very serious to me. Did he attend a camp in Ca. called Camp Pennington and a camp in NC. called Camp LeJeune. Those were Marine camps but their boot camp training. The year he attended should have been around 1988-1989

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sweets, if you want to send me a message through my profile, I'll ask you some questions and see if it's possible to find him through some internet snooping. If not, I'll give you an alternative that might be able to help you. Don't want you putting personal info on the internet for some goofball to find and use to hurt you.