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How do I spell this Korean surname?

How do I spell this Korean surname?

I met this guy who is Korean. He is first or second generation in america though, so he is fully "westernized". But he has a slight accent. Thus the problem. When he said his name I didn't quite understand him in all the noise, and because of the accent. I would like to look him up in the phone book. I can't figure out how I should spell his name. His friend said his name was "shipcho". At least that's what she thought he said. So I don't know. How would you spell a Korean surname that is pronounced or mispronounced (by an american), as "schipcho"?

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2 months ago
Okay, wise guy, lol, how do I spell it in ENGLISH? Using letters from the English alphabet?

2 months ago
Thanks, but I know his first name. It's an american name, "James".

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
Okay, wise guy, lol, how do I spell it in ENGLISH? Using letters from the English alphabet?