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Position:Home>Genealogy> Others who do genealogy. Do you think it is wise for teachers to have children t


Others who do genealogy. Do you think it is wise for teachers to have children trace their family trees?

I had a friend whose father would never trace his as his teacher gave it to a class he was in. One boy was very hurt when he found his grandfather had been hung. Don't you think that schoolkids are a little too immature to deal with family secrets in a school classroom?

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2 months ago
Now I am not questioning whether schoolkids should be taught to research their history but a classroom can be humiliating to kids if there is embarrassing information on the family. Adults can deal with it better

2 months ago
It is possible his parents had nothing to do with telling him his grandfather was hung. In a small town, children might have recognized the name of his grandfather and had heard the story and let it out of the bag.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 months ago
Now I am not questioning whether schoolkids should be taught to research their history but a classroom can be humiliating to kids if there is embarrassing information on the family. Adults can deal with it better