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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find my biological father?


How do I find my biological father?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on your circumstances and the country you live in. If your mother won't (or can't) tell you his full name, you may never find him. He might be on your birth certificate. He might not. If you are adopted you may need a court order to find him. If you know his name and approximate age and location, and he is in the USA and his name is rare, may help.

This is a general hint: Even though you go in through YA Canada, YA Australia, YA UK or YA USA, all of the questions go into one big "pot" and get read by everyone in the world who speaks English. Most of the people here are in the UK and USA, but you sometimes get questions and answers from people who worry about kangaroos eating their roses. So - put a nation, or, better yet, if you are asking about a specific individual, a nation and a state / province in all of your questions. It will help people help you.