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How can i get adopted?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Depends on where you live now and your circumstances. I had my mom and dad but was adopted "unofficially" by other parents as I hung around so often. I guess my first adoption was when I was about 4 years old. My dad was a supervisor and this man and his wife became good friends and they were young with no children. They had this peach tree in the back yard. One day I jumped on my tricycle and headed for that peach tree, I was very well taught to take care of myself and cross roads, this was when parents taught their children and not expect others to do it and be responsible. Well, it was a big rig-a-ma-row but after getting bitched out by my mother and spanked by my dad, I had me a new mom and dad on the side and free peaches to boot! ;-)