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What do you know about Scanian people?

just got the results for my genetic test for maternal ancestry. They say it goes back to "haplogroup V" which is rare in most of Europe but common among Saami and Scanian people. Saami are the Laplanders of northern Finland and the Scanian are from the south of Sweden, but I can't find out much else about the Scanians so far. I haven't heard about many Laplanders immigrating to Canada, so I think my great great grandmother might have been Scanian. I wonder what Scanian people look like, and how their culture is the same or different compared to the rest of Sweden...?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Due to Scania's location at the southern tip of Sweden, its culture is considered to be somewhat different from that of the rest of Sweden. The communities have engaged in extensive trading with the coastal areas of other European countries and have been influenced by those peoples. Accordingly, the people of Scania are considered to be less "Swedish" than the Swedes further north.

Canada began receiving Swedes in the 1850s, with most coming by way of the United States. Direct travel from Sweden to Canada did not become the majority mode until 1914.