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Position:Home>Genealogy> My adopted mom who faked the adoption records! into her name like she never did


My adopted mom who faked the adoption records! into her name like she never did so how can i find my real mom?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If your birth certificate has your adoptive mothers name as your mother on it, it is not because she faked records. Most people who are adopted have an amended birth certificate to show their adoptive parents as their parents. That is because many adoptions are closed adoptions and the records are sealed. Some closed adoption records are sealed until the person comes of age, others are sealed permenantly. It depends on the laws of your state. In many places, an adoptee is able to get their non-identifying information on their birth mom when they reach 18 years of age. Sometimes the non-identifying pieces don't mean much by themselves, but when put together, it is able to paint a pretty clear picture of the biological parent.

If finding your bio family is important to you, maybe you should sit down with your adoptive mom and talk about your situation. you might find that she is more supportive than you ever gave her credit for.