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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I legally change my son's last name?


How do I legally change my son's last name?

He now has his father's last name. I want to change it, as his father has absolutely nothing to do with him and we do not get along. I also think it's best for my son, to have my maiden names last name. What is the process for this? He is 10 years old. I want to do this ASAP.

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3 months ago
someone below mentioned spite - no its completely out of spite. i have tried numerous times for his father to have a relationship with his son - his father went so far as to move out of the country! my son wants absolutely nothing to do with him either. i have told my sons to write or to call (when he had a phone number) and my son just plain wants nothing to do with his dad either. he in fact has said that he hates his father. anyway i have tried and tried for the relationship to work, but after 10 years i give up. i dont even want the guys money. if i did i wouldn't have relieved him of thousands of dollars of back arrears and i could be getting double of what i am getting now in support. personally speaking he is a deadbeat dad. the only thing he has done right, is give me the sperm to make my son. but other then that, i want nothing to do with him and think its best that my son dont even have his last name as he will never see his dad again.

3 months ago
I am doing this for the best interest of my son. And NOT out of spite or anything. I just think it's best for everyone especially my son.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
someone below mentioned spite - no its completely out of spite. i have tried numerous times for his father to have a relationship with his son - his father went so far as to move out of the country! my son wants absolutely nothing to do with him either. i have told my sons to write or to call (when he had a phone number) and my son just plain wants nothing to do with his dad either. he in fact has said that he hates his father. anyway i have tried and tried for the relationship to work, but after 10 years i give up. i dont even want the guys money. if i did i wouldn't have relieved him of thousands of dollars of back arrears and i could be getting double of what i am getting now in support. personally speaking he is a deadbeat dad. the only thing he has done right, is give me the sperm to make my son. but other then that, i want nothing to do with him and think its best that my son dont even have his last name as he will never see his dad again.