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How do children who were adopted locate their birth family?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are many different ways that a person can do this. First, does the person searching for their birth family have any information on their adoption? If so they can contact, the adoption agency and start there. They can also contact the state in which they were born and ask for a copy of their birth certificate. Once you have learned the birth parents name you can then utilize the internet. Type in their name and see what comes up. There are sites like people search that will charge you a fee to find out information. There are also many wonderful sites about adoption and birth families. Just type in those words in your browser and visit a few sites. Who knows maybe the Birth Parents are also looking and have posted to one of these sites. If the adoption records are sealed. You may have to go to court to have them opened. They will do this if it is due to medical reasons.
Talk with your adoptive parents and see what they know or remember about your adoption. You can place ads in the local newspaper of the place you were born or adopted from. Good Luck