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How exactly am I related to this person?

If my great uncle has a neice, how would I be related to her? What type of cousins would we be? I'm going for the specifics here lol.

My grandmother's brother is her uncle, and my great uncle, so how closely related would she and I be...

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3 months ago
Let me describe some more details about this since I obviously did not do a very good job lol, but forgive me, I am horrible with genealogy.

We know we are cousins of some sort but I'm trying to narrow it all down. My Father and her Mother are cousins, my grandmother had a brother....who is "her" uncle and he was my great-uncle. But I am not sure as to which uncle of her's he was. I don't have all the details as you can well see and most of these people are dead now so I can't ask them. Just throw out all the most likely possibilities for me and I'll try to go from there and sort them out.

Oh, and I know for a fact we are blood related.

3 months ago
Thank you all but I have solved this mystery. We are third cousins.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
Let me describe some more details about this since I obviously did not do a very good job lol, but forgive me, I am horrible with genealogy.

We know we are cousins of some sort but I'm trying to narrow it all down. My Father and her Mother are cousins, my grandmother had a brother....who is "her" uncle and he was my great-uncle. But I am not sure as to which uncle of her's he was. I don't have all the details as you can well see and most of these people are dead now so I can't ask them. Just throw out all the most likely possibilities for me and I'll try to go from there and sort them out.

Oh, and I know for a fact we are blood related.