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Position:Home>Genealogy> Origins of the name Archithadilla?


Origins of the name Archithadilla?

I have the above name in my family history, long been trying to find its origins and meaning. The main one was born in 1859 in Colwich Stafford she was the daughter of a Farmer William Toy he leased Park House on the Wolseley estate.
Have also seen the name spelt with an S replacing the TH. and ending in Della.

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3 months ago
I have never even thought of an Indian connection. Neither parent as far as I know had any connection to India but they did rent their farm from "the big house" and believe the men of the family may have found their way to India perhaps thats where it came from. The name starts with the great aunt of the child I have named continues with the child and then there are two cousins with that name then it stops. There are a couple of other families in the Midlands area with that name in them also but not connected to mine.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 months ago
I have never even thought of an Indian connection. Neither parent as far as I know had any connection to India but they did rent their farm from "the big house" and believe the men of the family may have found their way to India perhaps thats where it came from. The name starts with the great aunt of the child I have named continues with the child and then there are two cousins with that name then it stops. There are a couple of other families in the Midlands area with that name in them also but not connected to mine.