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I recently did a family tree and...?

I was wondering after seeing the kinship, what does 1st cousin once removed, mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1C1R are your parent's cousins and your first cousins' children. Removed is when you are removed "x" levels from the cousin. It goes up the family tree or down. (Your parents are one level up from you, your cousins' children one level down.)

Your grandparents cousins (all of them - 1st, 2nd, 3rd . . .) are your cousins twice removed, since he is two generations removed from you. When your first cousins have grandchildren, those grandchildren will be your first cousins too, but twice removed.

2nd cousins are the children of first cousins, so when you have children, those children will be 2nd cousin to your first cousins' children.