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Only those who are adopted?

Are there any people out there in yahoo land that have been adopted? any one know of any search web sites that are worth logging on to? i've tried plenty.... just a question????
Any feed back would greatly appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are literally thousands. Your best bet is to stick to the main registry at

And maybe one or two state specific online registries.

The problem with registries, both online and official state run ones, is they are a one way search. If the other party doesn't know of their existence, they're not going to register. That's why they have a really low success rate, and people get discouraged.

That's not to say you shouldn't register - because you should if you're interested in search - but don't get discouraged if you don't get a match.

If you want to search beyond registries, there are lots of people who will help you. By the same token, if what you feel comfortable with right now is just a registry-based search, ignore anyone who tries to push you in a direction you're not comfortable with. Everyone searches at their own pace.

Good luck.