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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does Anyone know the meaning of the surname Baeseman?


Does Anyone know the meaning of the surname Baeseman?

Its german...i know that much

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are several sites that offer surname meanings, (family crests, etc). I notice that you have several family names shown, but this applies to all. The sites that offer "meanings" are often limited to common names, and if you really look.. they contradict each other.
Unlike nouns, which have specific words in different languages, names do not necessarily HAVE a meaning, or translation. Another factor is that names from Europe often become different by the time they "get" to you, due to phonetics etc.
Finally... even a name that seemingly has a "nationality", that also can be misleading. Your ancestor, of that name, MAY have come from <fill in the blank>, while the name itself either comes from elsewhere, or is not limited to that one country at all.
In general terms, I lean towards the idea that tracing an individual ancestor, and his/her actual facts, is MUCH more reliable than surnames.