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Family Tree?

I want to write down mine and my husband's family trees, but I don't know where to start. Someone told me that you could pay for the FBI to send you a printout of your family tree, but I can't find any info on their site. Does anyone have any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Don't count on the FBI heehee! Count on your oldest living family members to get you started, to tell you all they can remember of their parents and grandparents as far back as they can. You will need full names, and dates and places of births, marriages and deaths.

Enter the information onto genealogy software, bought or free online, for organization, so you'll know what you know and don't know yet, thus where and when to begin looking. You've now begun documenting your work, and will be needing documents as you can find them available.

Cemeteries your elders directed you to, your library and nearest LDS Family History Center can help you get started. You will need some access to census images. From this point I don't know if you are US or not, so what I write is generalized.

Poke around at, and Some others are,, and . OH! Don't take *anything* you find as fact, check it out for yourself, at very minimum on census images. Document document document!